«In Kreisen schweifen wir durch die Nacht und verzehren uns im Feuer.»
We’re excited to report that over the past year, while we seemed to be slowing down, we were actually preparing a new wave of activity
There are several ways to interpret all this negativity. Maybe it was the inevitable turn to infighting that followed the decline of the anticapitalist movement, or the consequence of a new influx of inexperienced participants into the anarchist struggle, or backlash from stodgy veterans who feared they were being outshined. Perhaps it’s inevitable that those who offer themselves to the public as a projection screen receive every kind of unconstructive criticism and misdirected praise.
Human beings are in a state of creativity twenty-four hours a day. Once revealed, the scheming use of freedom by the mechanisms of domination produces a backlash in the form of an idea of authentic freedom inseparably bound up with individual creativity. The passion to create which issues from the consciousness of constraint can no longer be pressed into the service of production, consumption or organization. (1). Spontaneity is the mode of existence of creativity; not an isolated state, but the unmediated experience of subjectivity. Spontaneity concretizes the passion for creation and is the first moment of its practical realization: the precondition of poetry, of the impulse to change the world in accordance with the demands of radical subjectivity. (2). The qualitative exists wherever creative spontaneity manifests itself. It entails the direct communication of the essential. It is poetry's chance. A crystallization of possibilities, a multiplier of knowledge and practical potential, and the proper modis operandi of intelligence. Its criteria are sui generis. The qualitative leap precipitates a chain reaction which is to be seen in all revolutionary moments; such a reaction must be awoken by the scandal of free and total creativity. (3). Poetry is the organizer of creative spontaneity to the extent that it reinforces spontaneity's hold on reality. Poetry is an act which engenders new realities; it is the fulfilment of radical theory, the revolutionary act par excellence.
In the context of software , an Easter Egg is a hidden feature or novelty that the programmers have put in their software. In general, it is any hidden, entertaining thing that a creator hides in their creation only for their own personal reasons. This can be anything from a hidden list of the developers, to hidden commands, to jokes, to funny animations. You'd be surprised just how many things contain Easter Eggs... just look at the list that has accumulated here!
A true Easter Egg must satisfy the following criteria:
Undocumented, Hidden, and Non-Obvious An Easter Egg can't be a legitimate feature of a product, or be an obvious part of a storyline. Easter Eggs will usually stand out either because they totally don't fit with their context (like a pinball game in a word processor), or because they have a deeper hidden personal meaning to the creators, so they threw it in for entertainment.
Reproducible Every user with the same product or combination of products must be able to produce the same result given the instructions. If others can't reproduce an Egg, then it doesn't belong in this archive.
Put There by the Creators for Personal Reasons The Egg must have been put there on purpose, and furthermore have a personal significance to the creators beyond just making a better product (movie, TV show, software program, etc).
Not Malicious Easter Eggs are there for fun, not to do damage.
ENTERTAINING! The most important element... if it's not there for entertainment, it's not an Egg.
"es wird versucht, eine kultur homoerotischen deutschen leidens in den kontext faschistoider teutonischer leitkultur zu stellen, die in der gesamtkunstwerklerischen aesthetisierung des politischen bei richard wagner seinen ausgang fand, im faschistischen deutschland seine vollstrecker, in einer homosexuellen maennlichen koerper-politik seine nachfahren................als gegenstrategien wird ein bisweilen antihumanistischer radikal-tuntologismus entworfen, der sich brockenhaft aus theorie + praxis des feminismus, der queer theory, der frankfurter schule, der "bostoner schule"(john waters/divine) und aehnlichem speist....... die politischen inhalte sind auch bei djane teutonia aesthetisiert, um sie popkulturell kapitalistisch verwertbar zu machen und einer brodelnden + tobenden, sound-politisierten menschenmasse zuzufuehren."
This exclusive behind-the-scenes riveting documentary reveals how
author and marketer Joe Vitale hired legendary prankster Alan Abel to
pull an outrageous publicity stunt to promote his latest book, The Attractor Factor. This is great entertainment and provides a real lesson in why everyone
in business needs to consider publicity of one sort or another to get
ahead in today's competitive world.
"This carefully researched study of America's greatest showman,(mEn) huckster, and impresario is both an inclusive analysis of the historical and cultural forces that were the conditions of P. T. Barnum's success, and, as befits its subject, a richly entertaining presentation of the outrageous man and his exploits."
"Some of our adventures included getting stuck in the middle of a race riot; visiting the world’s largest basket; attending a family reunion, meeting cousins who I didn’t know existed; and getting mooned by my father. I dropped the camera out of horror when this happened so luckily it’s a quick" shot," laughs Abel.
"Humbug" also includes several surprise bonus extras, including:
* full interview with Dr. Joe Vitale
* charming chat on how one might really win the lotto
* unveiling of Dr. Vitale's actual mermaid
Thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics, "The Secret" and anything else he cares to comment on, including healing, humor, the Internet and yes, maybe even sex.
Guess the Quote
"______. That's your job. That's all you have to do."
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully-constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them; to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy
"The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."
One of the main reasons doublethink is so necessary is that it allows the masses to accept being slaves to the system and under total surveillance, while considering themselves free and independent. It appears that doublethink is becoming a prevalent part of our language.
"Find means to study the relation of language to public policy, to keep track of, publicize, and combat semantic distortion by public officials, candidates for office, political commentators, and all those who transmit through the mass media."
I worry about the changing quality and essential verifiability of online reference material and its potential for 3rd party manipulation. As hoary and antiquated as paper is, it's hard to change and once everyone has, say, a dictionary in their house, it's very difficult to change the meaning of a word to suit the political moment. If there was only one dictionary and it was online, it would be child's play.
To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary.
Doublethink is a form of trained, wilful intellectual blindness to contradictions in a belief system.
Newspeak incorporated doublethink, as it contains many words that create assumed associations, between contradictory meanings
Ulrike Tschabitzer : "Der Schweizer Journalist Tom Kummer, designt Stories und Interviews mit Menschen aus dem Musik- und Show Business. Er selber erlangte mit seinem sogenannten Borderline-Journalismus, einer bewussten Vermischung von Facts und Fiction, Bekanntheit. Wie oft sieht, hört oder liest man etwas, das einen berührt, irritiert und zum Denken animiert? Wie oft passieren uns Dinge im Leben, die uns verstören und somit unser Leben verändern?"
«Ich will es nicht gerade eine Kunstform nennen», sagt er, «aber ich glaube, wir alle brauchen diese Strategien der Selbstdarstellung und -erfindung, um in einer Welt zu überleben, die letztlich eine inszenierte Realität ist.»
Tom Kummer ; "Journalisten, die Neuland erproben und aus der Reihe tanzen, werden von den vorsichtigen Journalisten gerne als Zocker verrufen. Meine Karriere basiert grundsätzlich auf einer grossen Leidenschaft für Texte und konzeptionelle Experimente. Das wussten diese Leute. Besser Schreiben heisst für mich immer näher “dran” sein und für das Erlebte eine aufregende, neue Sprache finden. Diese Ebene wird dann durchbrochen mit Surrealem und Attacken auf den Objektivitätswahn und die Printmedien allgemein. Wie immer in meinen Texten sollen nicht bloss die starren Grenzen zwischen Journalismus und Literatur fliessend werden, sondern alles erlaubt sein, was den Lesern eine völlig neue Sicht auf die Wirklichkeit offenbart."
DavidVonplon : "Vor kurzem haben sie in der Berliner Zeitung einen älteren Artikel rezykliert... Sie haben mal gesagt: „Du musst die Leute mit dem Scheiss füttern, den Sie wollen.“ Wie weit stimmt dieses Bild?"
Tom Kummer :
"Die Umgebung, in der ich mich bewegte, bestätigte meine Art des Schreibens.
Bei mir stand das subversive Spiel im Vordergrund, einen der Ihrigen über die Klinge springen lassen, und nicht, ständig nach dem Beifall des Publikums schielen muss eine ganze Branche, einfach die Brüche in meinem System, dass für mich Begriffe wie Wahrheit,wie du sie kennst,und Wirklichkeit ein Mythos waren.
Es gibt Situationen, da wirst du die Wahrheit so sagen können,so ein Opfer muss sein. Verstanden"
«Ich war so naiv zu glauben, dass ich auf diesem Weg eine Anstellung beim ,Spiegel‘ bekommen würde.»
Alexander Sury : Sie vertreten immer sehr dezidiert Ihre Meinung. Plagen Sie nie Zweifel? Es ist doch ein Gebot der intellektuellen Redlichkeit, eine Meinung im Lichte von bestimmten Ereignissen und Erfahrungen zu revidieren."
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