A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on.//casa del ionesco
He has been awarded the honour of inventing the music term "heavy metal". //B&W
Compulsive verbal patterns are actually word viruses that maintain themselves in the central nervous system by manipulation of the speech centers, throat muscles and vocal cords.//WSB
The teen age daughter is just a refinement. Basically all you need is sex recordings on number 2 and hostile recordings on number 3. With this simple formula any CIA sonofabitch can become God that is tape tape recorder 3. Notice the emphasis on sexual material in burglaries and bugging in the Watergate cess pool... Bugging Martin Luther King's bed room... Kiss Kiss bang bang... A deadly assassination technique. At the very least sure to unnerve and put opponents at a disadvantage. //groovy
As entertainment, the cut-ups are hard going, but seen in the context of Burroughs's obsessive desire to free his mind from 'control' - in this case, the control of 'word locks', or rigid conceptual structures governed by language - the experiments make more sense.//guardian
Millions of people could nullify the control system which those who are behind Watergate and Nixon are attempting to impose. Like all control systems it depends on maintaining a monopoly position.//WSB