
Personal Emergency Response Systems

Technomantic Gods and Spirits

There has been angels, demons, gods, and spirits throughout history that have been attributed with teaching mankind about advances in technology in one way or another. These entities range from the basics of teaching man fire, to white-smithing, agriculture, and other things we’d often not contribute to “technology” as we see it today (filled with silicone & wires).


A Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) is an electronic device designed to let you summon help in an emergency.::::::

Worry (1) 4-31-05

You talked in your sleep last night
You had a dream
I talked to you of your plight
It was a bad dream
I now worry about you
You getting harmed
You spoke of the things he’d do
Now I’m alarmed
There are things that can be done
Take this advice
There’s things that can’t be undone
Don’t roll the dice
I can’t take this chance of risk
Listen to me
I will try to make this brisk
To make you see
You need a PERS for your purse
Your protection
And there is nothing else worse
You can not run
So protect yourself my dear
So please, this do
So *we* do not have to fear
And I love you


Oshun, Göttin des Flusses,
Göttin der Liebe,
Strahlende, deren Geschmack der Honig ist,
Deren Berührung die Strömung des Wassers ist.
Deren Tanz verzaubert.

Du bist der Schimmer des Goldes und der Klang von Gelächter
und Du bist so viel mehr als das.
Dame des Pfaues, Dame des Geiers,
Dich lieben, ist wie der Fluss
der ewig weiter fließt,
süßes Wasser vermischend mit dem Salz des Meeres.
O Strahlende, komm zu uns!
In deiner gewinnenden Anmut
vergieße Leben und Fülle.
Lehrerin der Divination
Göttin von Tanz, Freude und Gesang
Göttin des Flusses und der ewigen Mysterien
Lebenslustige Verführerin,
Heilerin und Hüterin der Traditionen,
Zauberin und Mutter,
Ori ye ye O“*
Oshun, komm zu uns!///////

Schamanismus und Göttinnen - Oshun