Humbug (Hum"bug`) transitive verb [ imperfect & past participle Humbugged; present participle & vb.
noun Humbugging.]
To deceive; to impose; to cajole; to hoax.
[1913 Webster]
noun 1. pretentious or silly talk or writing [syn: baloney, boloney,
bilgewater, bosh, drool, taradiddle, tarradiddle,
tommyrot, tosh, twaddle]
2. communication (writen or spoken) intended to deceive [syn:
snake oil]
3. something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended
to gain an advantage [syn: fraud, fraudulence, dupery,
hoax, put-on]
This exclusive behind-the-scenes riveting documentary reveals how
author and marketer Joe Vitale hired legendary prankster Alan Abel to
pull an outrageous publicity stunt to promote his latest book, The
Attractor Factor.
This is great entertainment and provides a real lesson in why everyone
in business needs to consider publicity of one sort or another to getAttractor Factor.
This is great entertainment and provides a real lesson in why everyone
ahead in today's competitive world.
"This carefully researched study of America's greatest showman,(mEn)
huckster, and impresario is both an inclusive analysis of the
historical and cultural forces that were the conditions of P. T.
Barnum's success, and, as befits its subject, a richly entertaining
presentation of the outrageous man and his exploits."
"Some of our adventures included getting stuck in the middle of a race
riot; visiting the world’s largest basket; attending a family reunion, meeting
cousins who I didn’t know existed; and getting mooned by my father. I dropped
the camera out of horror when this happened so luckily it’s a quick"
shot," laughs Abel.
riot; visiting the world’s largest basket; attending a family reunion, meeting
cousins who I didn’t know existed; and getting mooned by my father. I dropped
the camera out of horror when this happened so luckily it’s a quick"
shot," laughs Abel.
"Humbug" also includes several surprise bonus extras, including:
* full interview with Dr. Joe Vitale
* charming chat on how one might really win the lotto
* unveiling of Dr. Vitale's actual mermaid
Thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about
marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness,
metaphysics, "The Secret" and anything else he cares to comment on,
including healing, humor, the Internet and yes, maybe even sex.
Guess the Quote
"______. That's your job. That's all you have to do."
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