"Looking for "the answer" to a question? There are plenty of websites out there which will tell you what to think. Serendip instead aims at helping you to think for yourself, and in the process of discovery to formulate new questions and new explorations.
Nothing on Serendip is "authoritative", but there is lots here that you can learn from and contribute to."//serendip
Interesting Sites//Alexander "Sasha" Chislenko//Collaborative filtering
"Many people today are alive because of a growing arsenal of artificial organs and other body parts. In time, specially as robotic techniques improve, such replacement parts will be better than any originals. So what about replacing everything, that is, transplanting a human brain into a specially designed robot body? Unfortunately, while this solution might overcome most of our physical limitations, it would leave untouched our biggest handicap, the limited and fixed intelligence of the human brain. This transplant scenario get our brain out of our body. Is there a way to get our mind out of our brain."//Hans Moravec::Mind Children//
"Moravec believes that our progeny will explore the cosmos, even after the stars and galaxies cool toward absolute zero. To do this, our descendants will need more sturdy enclosures and faster thought processes than those nature provided us. In Moravec's future, our heirs exist as entities of mergerconjoined egg and sperm replaced by the delicate formation of superintelligent devices by superintelligent devices..... Once removed from the limitations of the human body and the human mind, our transplanted intelligence will be free to evolve and reinvent itself...." //streettech.1998\\the computer lab
The Logic Theorist
"History shows that representatives of consecutive evolutionary stages are rarely in mortal conflict. Multi-celled organisms didn't drive out single-celled ones, animals haven't exterminated all plants and automobiles neither killed nor eliminated all pedestrians. Indeed, representatives of consecutive evolutionary stages build symbiotic relationships in most areas of common interest and ignore each other elsewhere, while members of each group are mostly pressured by their own peers." - Alexander Chislenko
" It will render current data processing methods obsolete because WebMind(tm) is, in essence, the human thought process, imposed on data."/intelligenesis corporation
"The Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (SCTPLS) is an international, multidisciplinary organization, committed to facilitate a scholarly forum to those interested in the research and applications of dynamical systems theory, self-organization, neural nets, fractals, cellular automata, agent-based modeling, and related forms of chaos, catastrophes, bifurcations, nonlinear dynamics, and complexity theories."
"This is not merely another souped up search engine or data mining tool. Interacting with Webmind is less like using a typical software product than it is like dialoguing with an impossibly knowledgeable human being, with tremendous analytical powers.
This is an interactive, self-organizing system that works with you to help mold and shape your search for information in specific ways."//WebMind(tm)
"Webmind is capable of understanding your question, accessing relevant information and analyzing it -- and responding, not by dumping long lists of possibilities on the screen, nor by presenting you with unexplained results, but by dialoguing with you about your inquiry to help you make relevant choices. It understands, like you, subtleties in the evolution, flow and internal relationship of information to itself."//These capabilities catapult Webmind far beyond the realm of data seeking and analysis into a brand new world of intelligent human-computer partnership. ""The development of the AI Engine and the Webmind products continues, and the staff continues to serve Webmind Inc. customers, while the reorganization efforts proceed."//goertzel2002
"Furthermore, Webmind's unique learning dynamics makes use of the most exciting development in modern computer technology -- network computing."//
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