
My favorite food is monkey, eine lange Geschichte mit vielen Knoten

“You can only command language
by obeying it”

The Poetry Robot will help you write poems, suggesting words from Google. Type a few words to get started, and click submit.

"Killing Me Softly With Ozone"
read by Truevoice Adult Male 2.
[ listen to robot //geoff peters

"Your hands and eyes are charged with good medicine. Other parts of you are, too, which means sexual healing could be in the works. But as you embark on your mission to cure everyone you love, remember the first law of the soul doctor: "Physician, heal thyself.""//RobBrezsny/FreeWillAstrology/VillageVoice

SearchRequest sammelt kuriose und außergewöhnliche Suchanfragen. Mehr...

Google Poems

Google Poems. Man gibt einfach den gewünschten Gedicht-Anfang in das Suchfeld ein und schon spuckt Google ein individuelles dazu Gedicht aus.//freitag

"Wie ich das sehe, besteht ein GSL (GoogleSuggestLyric)-Gedicht aus einem Auslöser und dem von Google Suggest daraufhin zugespielten Gedichtkorpus. "//PeterGlaser//stuttgarterzeitung

I used poetry as a lover but I never made her my old lady. . . . I tried to write poetry that would get at some of the hard things in my life that needed talking about but those things you can only tell your old lady.

I loved her so truly
I needed her very badly
She treated me pretty rudely
But I stuck by her too obsessively

Click your browser's REFRESH button to create a new poem on this same topic.

Or enter a new topic here:///ShawnRider

"I decided to launch a happening on the web, consisting in a poetry advertisement campaign on Google AdWords . I opened an account for $5 and began to buy some keywords. For each keyword you can write a little ad and, instead of the usual ad, I decided to write little "poems", non-sensical or funny or a bit provocative.
The Google AdWords Automated Performance Monitor"//Christophe Bruno

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