Free You Are Mighty
By Abbie Hoffman, darin werden Tipps gegeben ohne Geld aktiv zu sein.
Von nicht zu unterschätzender Aktualität.Fuck The System by George Metesky
ist ein Booklet mit ähnlicher Thematik, das aber konkret auf das New York der späten 1960er sich bezieht. Es gibt Hinweise, das Metesky ein Pseudonym von Hoffman war.Kenne Deine Rechte : Leitfaden für Alg II / Sozialhilfe von A-Z
Borderline Magazine/Unstyled Street Fashion
Unstyled Street Fashion
Dedicated to sharing, supporting, and inspiring street style, Borderline wants to see what's happening on the streets near you. Check out our submissions page for info on how to grab a camera and represent. Move toward the edge, push the limits, and follow the borderline... .
"I venerate the armed woman as a transcendent symbol of independent female power - from ancient goddesses like...the knife-wielding Hindu Kali to the pistol-packing babes of Charlie's Angels."
Camille Paglia
Girls with dedicated to well armed female
___________________________________________________ is an Istanbul based collaborative project of video artists and programmers: Michael Parenti exiledsurfer (vienna), Todd Thille synesthete (los angeles), Pascal Lesport 3rd Design (paris).'s aim is to bring people closer to the art form of Live Video Mixing (known as "VJ'ing") through the creation, performance and distribution of unique and engaging audio-visual interpretations of contemporary culture. Check out our Loopcast for sample clips from our live performances.
Freifunk / Ad-hoc Netzwerk !!!!!!!!!!
uhu-topia eine klebkollage für reinhard döhl zum 65.
( witzige Kunst)
The SLATE Digital Archives provides an overview to the history of the University of California at Berkeley student political party, SLATE, through documents and narrative. SLATE, the first of the student organizations in the rising New Left and student movements, was instrumental in shaping the political atmosphere of UC Berkeley during the 1960s and was a model for other progressive student groups throughout the country.
Liste Verbotener Bücher, u.a. Karlson auf dem Dach
betacity — Mesomedium für Kulturtransfer
publiziert seit seiner Gründung im Januar 2000 nach dem Prinzip des Peer-to-Peer Journalismus. Das Projekt ist von und für Akteure des Kultur- und Medienbetriebs.
Die unmoderierte Mailingliste von betacity dient zum Austausch zwischen Aktiven in Kunst, Medien, Design und anverwandten Bereichen der Lebensgestaltung.
"Hey guys!
It looks like you found one of my old websites. Remember back in the day how I just had this one site? Now I have all kinds of stuff. You have a lot of catching up to do, to be honest.
These days I write Toothpaste For Dinner, "the most addictive comic on the web." I also write Married To The Sea, which was just recently in New York Magazine.
I still have a somewhat-daily blog/journal/essay site, but it's over here now. "
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